Monday, January 17, 2011


Since the marathon was completed, there hasn't been a lot of financial movement for the Amarce foundation, but that is ABOUT TO CHANGE! Our next fundraising endeavor has begun as TBone, Jim's twin brother and partner on weekly football podcasts, has written a book titled "Buy This Book So I Can Go To Ethiopia". If you would like to purchase a copy, check out In other news, we have found some hope through the Wide Horizons agency through which we adopted our daughters Alexa and Liana. They have begun a program of sponsoring children and helping them and their families to survive and have hope for a future. So while we are still trying to get to Ethiopia, we have continued to make a difference by sponsoring two children, Bekele Amalo Genadela and Testanesu Dasagna Chew Sintayelis. If you would like to sponsor a child from Arbogonea (Alexa and Liana's hometown), check out